DFY Prop-Trading Instructions

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Proprietary trading, which is also known as “prop trading,” occurs when a trading desk at a financial institution, brokerage firm, investment bank, hedge fund, or other liquidity source uses the firm’s capital and balance sheet to conduct self-promoting financial transactions.

Many large financial institutions engage private professional traders to conduct the prop-trading activities using the instutions funds on a profit share arrangement with the trader.

This DFY Prop-Trading System allows everyday investors to become part of the prop-trading ecosystem, and enjoy the financial return normally only available to professional traders.

To recap the main points of prop-trading…

  1. Prop-trading involves the leveraged trading of stocks, commodities, forex etc using $100k to $1m of the prop-firm funds.
  2. The prop-trader is not liable for trading losses, however losses greater than the agreed limits may result in the loss of the traders account.
  3. To be accepted as a prop-trader you must pass the trading evaluation tests
  4. Trading profits are shared between the prop-trader and the prop-firm with between 70% to 90% of profits going to the prop-trader.

Now here’s where it gets interesting…

The DFY Prop-Trading System does all the setup and trading for you, so you can enjoy “risk-free” profits in return for a 50% profit share.

How To Get Started in the DFY Prop-Trading System

There are three simple steps to this system…

  1. Signup for a prop-firm trading challenge at Infinity Forex Prop Firm and purchase one of these challenges… “1 Phase Algo Evaluation $200,000 Managed Strategy” or “1 Phase Algo Evaluation $500,000 Managed Strategy”
  2. Purchase a “Challenge Pass” to execute the trades needed to pass the challenge… Challenge Pass
  3. Once the challenge is passed, commence trading using the prop-firm funds and profit

Step 1: Signup to our preferred prop-firm and purchase one of these challenges… “1 Phase Algo Evaluation $200,000 Managed Strategy” or “1 Phase Algo Evaluation $500,000 Managed Strategy”… Infinity Forex Funds. The cost for a $200,000 challenge is $1,179. Once you complete this you’ll receive an email with the challenge ID and Password – you’ll need these for step 2.

Step 2: Purchase a “Challenge Pass” from the Trading-Firm and complete the onboarding form… Challenge Pass. The fee for this challenge pass is $2,500. The challenge pass is guaranteed – if the challenge is not successful you’ll receive a refund of the challenge-pass fee. If paying with crypto, click here… Challenge Pass pay with Crypto

Step 3: Once the challenge is passed, full prop-trading can commence. The trading is done for you on a 50:50 profit share arrangement.

What are the target returns?

The investment needed to get started is $1,179 for the prop-firm challenge fee, plus $2,500 for the DFY challenge-pass. So a total of around $3,679. There are no other setup fees or charges.

The target trading return is from 1% to 2% per month of your trading account balance. The profit share arrangement is 50% for the DFY trading and 50% to you. So assuming just a 1% trading return, your income would be $1,000 per month. That’s right – for an investment of $3,679, you get an income of $1,000 per month.

NOTE: Results are NOT guaranteed. Past performance does not guarantee future performance.

What are the risks?

Any investment comes with risk.

  1. The trading challenge may not be passed. If this happens the challenge-pass fee will be refunded, but the challenge fee from the prop-firm will not. You can also opt to redo the challenge for no additional change.
  2. The prop-firm may go out of business. These days no business is guaranteed to continue operating – we have recently seen some large banks in the US fail. This is really a fact of investing.
  3. The prop-firm may decide to withhold profits. This can and does happen if the trader goes outside the trading rules. In our case, the trading system robots are programmed to stay well within the trading boundarys.

Note, in all these risk scenarios, your maximum exposure is the setup fees (challenge fee and challenge pass fee). You are not liable for trading losses (please check your prop-firm agreement to confirm).

Important Disclaimer: Nothing on the website is to be considered any type of financial advice. We are not financial advisors. For financial advice you should always seek the services of a qualified financial advisor. Returns are not guaranteed. Past performance is does not guarantee future performance.

More Information:

Introductory Video

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Any questions you can email me here… richiebaartz @ gmail.com

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